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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide ~ School Zone Learning Items {review}

Whenever I'm shopping for gifts for my kiddos, I tend to look for educational items that are also fun for them to use. I think learning is so important and I want to do everything I can to bring tools into my home to help me encourage learning day in and day out. 

For this reason, I was pretty excited when School Zone reached out to be a part of the gift guide this year. Their catalog of items is huge and there's probably something for every little learner out there. To review, we were sent the Start To Read books and CD {level 1 and 2}, the Learn The Alphabet workbook, the Get Ready for Kindergarten workbook, the Alphabet Fun! Reusable workbook, and the Connect The Dots workbook for preschool learners. 

Alex loves the Start To Read books with the accompanied CD. He listens to the stories again and again while I point to the words that are being said. The books are very simple, with only a few words to each page. This is perfect for him as he begins to grow confident with letters and their sounds and beginning sight words.

Of everything we were sent, my personal favorite is the Alphabet Fun! book. In this book, Alex uses a dry erase marker to trace, write, and do other activities. Once he's done, he can erase his work and do it again. This matches perfectly with his preschool learning and helps me to encourage him as he learns a new letter each week. 

Alex tends to enjoy activities like mazes and connect the dots, to the Connect the Dots book we were sent gets a big thumbs up. Again, this is great for his handwriting as it helps him learn to control his hand movements and draw from one point to the next. After all, this is all letter writing is. When he's through with  a picture, he can color it. He really enjoys it.

These little books are perfect for on the go. The Learn The Alphabet book hass great practice for writing letters as well as activities and pictures to color. The Get Ready for Kindergarten book focuses on other skills like math and reading. It even helps Alex learn how to write his numbers. It fits nicely in a diaper bag or his backpack so I can bring it with me to a restaurant or doctor's office...really, anywhere there is waiting involved. At a price tag of $2.99 a piece, these books are perfect stocking stuffers.

You'll find all these items and more on the School Zone website. It's very easy to navigate the grade{s} you may be looking for and there are full descriptions/pictures of each item.

**Thanks to the company or pr agency, who supplied the items to facilitate this review. I wasn't compensated in any way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the item mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**



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