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Monday, July 21, 2008

For The Love of Elle Bee

My friend posted a blog about her top 10 TV crushes and asked that her readers create their own.

Well, Elle Bee, here's my list.

I'm going to cheat a little and not put them in order from my least to most fave. Instead, I'm just listing all 10 and my reasons for each one. The truth is, when I was looking up pictures, each guy STILL makes me feel the same way.
I'll put them in order from oldest to most recent. Here goes...

Ah, Ricky Shroder on Silver Spoons. This guy had a fab house, cool friends, and an electric train that he used to ride through his living room. I loved this guy starting at a young age and still am not ashamed of this crush.

Alex P. Keaton was probably my number one crush as a young girl. I loved how cool and nerdy he was all at the same time. I continued to enjoy different movies staring Michael J. Fox throughout the years. (It's absolutely possible that this crush in particular is the reason for my son's first name.)

I know that A.C. Slater is a very typical crush to have. Some may frown on this choice due to lack of originality. Oh, well. If you're cute, you're cute. Slater, I always thought that Kelly should have chosen you. :)

There's nothing like a dumb, cute guy. Joey Lawrence (Russo) on Blossom was so perfect! I adored him and thought it was pitiful how stupid he was. As a now married woman, I realize that a relationship with him could never have worked. That stupid act would have gotten old really fast.

Tony Lucca on the Mickey Mouse Club was hot AND talented. Here is where my love for musicians began to show. He's even cuter now with his long curly hair and beard.
OH! And he grew up in Pontiac, MI...that's right up the road from me.
OK. Moving on.

Chad Allen as Matthew Cooper on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I know what you're thinking; this guy isn't exactly attracted to women. Well, I didn't know that when I was watching this show. If my mom knew, she never told me. I guess that was smart since it spared her a long and possibly awkward conversation. He's still beautiful and I was proud to see him in the movie The End of the Spear.

I loved the sensitivity and nerdiness of David Silver on 90210. He was another musician who, I thought, was greatly overlooked on the show. Dylan and Brandon were the obvious choices for heartthrobs according to the storyline and amount of time they were on screen. Well, Brian Austin Green, I watched you more than any of the other guys. Feel free to sing me a song with your keyboard anytime.

Oh, Jared Leto (Jordan Catalano), how I love thee. Am I right, ladies? Talk about your hottie, musician, wounded soul. I loved how bad, dark, and mysterious this guy was. Oh! And when he sang that song "I call her red. Yah, yah yah." Wow. I so wished I went to his school.

You may have never guessed this choice by looking at my others. I love Dr. Carter on E.R. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think there's something very niiiiiiiiice about this guy. If I figure out what it is, I'll update this blog to let you know.

Last but definitely not least......

No list is complete without my humble opinion that is. This guy is something else. I think what is even more appealing than his pretty face is the cat and mouse game he plays with Meredith. I love his character. I can't wait to see what happens next season.

Please let me know if you make a list like this. I'm so curious to see everyone's pics.


  1. oh i do remember the days of the mickey mouse club, i thought he was soo cute!!! ha so funny!

  2. Oh, Amy! Hooray! I love this post!
    I totally had a picture of Jordan Catalano ready to upload onto my page, but he just didn't make the list, what can I say?

    I'm thinking I also need to do a movie crush as well, because there are quite a few movie characters who gets me blood a boilin.. :)


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