I don't know about you, but Christmas shopping always gets me stressed out. For some reason or another, I freak out and try to be as thoughtful as possible when choosing a gift...this = stress.
Some people on my list are kind enough to tell me what they want. Others, though, shrug or say "You don't have to get me anything."
yah, right.
I recently learned of a great website that may REALLY help some of you shoppers out there.
The website is called Noobie. Patric Welch, the man behind the website, makes shopping for your loved ones easy. (p.s. he'd like to help you find something for your needs too.) He has put together gifts for you called Noobie Bundles. These bundles include everything you need. AND, every bundle:
- Contains a Consumer Reports Recommended or Best Buy technology product
- Comes with all of the accessories you need
- Comes with a Quick Start Guide to get you up and running fast without having to read the manual
- Comes with one hour of free telephone support to use after the holidays
Did I mention the GREAT savings he offers? His prices are very competitive.
So, if you'd like a hint of what I asked Santa for from the Noobie website, I asked him for the GPS bundle. :)
I hope this great tip helps more than one of you!
Take a coupon! Save $20 by entering the BUNDLE20 coupon code.

neat site and what a cool service!