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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Forget-Me-Not Friday ~ #2

The saying goes, "You learn something new every day."  Sometimes, the lessons we learn or the stories we live out are worth jotting down so we never forget. 

Forget-Me-Not Friday is a place to share one special moment from your week. Post that moment on your blog and leave your link below in Mr. Linky. Remember, sharing and swapping stories is a great way to get to know other people and make new friends.

Here's my Forget-Me-Not:

Wednesday was a rough night for all of us here. Alex woke up crying at 3am and couldn't return to sleep. I tried everything I knew to do to help him. A little after 5am, Alex was crying and the hubster was on his way to work so I called him crying. I was so exhausted and frustrated. The hubster calmed me down and I returned to my son's side to try once more to help him out. I picked him up and said, "Mommy wants to help you, hun. What do you need?" 

Alex instantly stopped crying and nuzzled his head on my shoulder. Then, I put him back in his bed only this time I curled up beside him and we both went to sleep. That moment was so precious to me. There's just something beautiful about a sleeping child.

What's your Forget-Me-Not?



  1. yessss...I'm 1st!
    this is a great idea :)

  2. I love this idea, I try to do this next week.

  3. Great idea! Please check out my contest this weekend!

  4. Look like fun....

    You have been given an award...Yippy! Check out my blog.


I am so happy you stopped by today. What is on your mind?

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