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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Aloha Friday ~ 2/05

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend.Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

My  Question Is:

What is a blogging turn-on OR turn-off for you?

I love that I continue to meet bloggers who are supportive and genuine. You gals must know who you are and you are amazing!



  1. I love to read stories about people's family and children. Just typical family life stories. Turnoffs I guess would be anything rude or offensive.. Hope you have a great Friday!

  2. I enjoy blogs that are funny and witty written by Mom's. I especially feel connected to like-minded ladies.

  3. Love a good story or a quote from a toddler or pictures of my grandson. Espically love comments left on my blog good or bad, as it lets me know that someone is actually reading them.

  4. I love pictures and good stories about family and the such. I usually follow any family-ish type blog that I find.

    Also, I make it a point to comment on every page that I visit, whether I plan on going back or not. I really dislike stalkers who read me daily but never let me return the bloggy love. It's only doing a disservice to yourselves, ladies and gents! :-)

  5. I love reading and finding new blogs.

    The only thing that bothers me is when loud music comes on unexpectedly.

  6. I find cursing, or anything fowl to be a turn off when I'm on someones site

  7. Guess I'm like everyone else when it comes to likes - I love sites that show pix (can be a horses' bottom as long as it's relevant) for instance. I am not fond of sites that use profanity (extreme)) or who seem to be out more for the shock value than anything else.

  8. I'm the same. Love mom blogs don't like tons of swearing. Also ones that post a lot are best. I tend to not check back if the same post is there for several weeks.

  9. A turn on is a funny blog with lots of pictures!

  10. I think the comments above have summed it up!! I like blogs that have something that I can relate to or find interesting.

  11. I love funny too. I love a good story about a funny moment. I love coming across excellent writers who have found blogging to be the first place they learned that they were good at writing. As a mom, of course I love mom blogs. (:

  12. I love reading mom-blogs that share everyday, real stories that I can relate to. And, it's always nice to see some pics to associate with the story or blog. I'm not a huge fan of music on a blog, but, that's just my personal preference.

  13. who am i to judge. blogs are personal for the person writing in them to say what's on their mind. I guess if I don't like it then I don't have to visit

  14. I love the blogging community, stories and comments and memes, it's all good. I don't like the drama that sometimes comes about in any online community environment.

  15. I love meeting people and getting to know them. I loathe gossip and mean critical bloggers.

  16. Good pictures along with a good story or recipe. =)

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  17. I like to read all kinds of blogs! I came across a new one lately that I would never admit to reading, lol, but it's so intriguing! The only turn-off is that since I do a lot of blog reading throughout the day when I SHOULD be working, when I come to a blog that has music and it comes through my work computer speakers. I have to hurry to mute my computer. But, that doesn't deter me from reading.

  18. I love blogs that make me laugh with stories about everyday things I can relate to. I get turned off by too much profanity in blogs and in real life.

  19. Well, I do know what keeps me coming back. When I leave a comment, they come and leave a comment, I return again, they return again, etc. and we just build a friendship like that. If I leave comments and they NEVER come and see me, it's very one-sided and as in real-life, those tend to fade away.

  20. I love bloggers that show their real personality. Hearing about what other mothers/father... are going through is nice.

  21. I enjoy finding new and interesting blogs to read! I've totally become obsessed with blogger!

  22. My turn ons are funny stories about kids ..or funny things kidz say. I like to read real life stories and"connect" with the author. My turn offs are busy blogs that dont really have an identity..are you a blog? are you an ad? are you a music download site? Plus when all that 'stuff' takes so long to load. I have short attention span... I wont wait.

  23. My turn off is crap talking through your blog. Like someone who just completely trashes a person and spreads lies about someone they know reads their blog.

  24. Love to read about other bloggers and what's going on in their neck of the woods.

  25. I don't think I have any turn offs! I am enjoying all different kids of blogs these days!

    Turn ons? Barry Manillow, long walks on the beach, and, back rubs.

  26. I really just like all types of blogs. I don't discriminate! ;-) I'm not into music on blogs as it breaks my concentration but I just keep my sound turned off and that fixes that problem!


I am so happy you stopped by today. What is on your mind?

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