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Friday, May 8, 2009

Aloha Friday ~ 5-08


Aloha Friday is a day to take it easy with question and answer meme. I can't think of a better Friday to participate than the Friday right before Mother's Day. If you'd like to participate, head over to An Island Life for rules and be sure to sign her Mr. Linky.

Today, Kailani asks:
What would you like to thank your Mom for this Mother’s Day?

My Answer:
I can't possibly answer this question simply. There are SOO many things to thank her for. One thing I can share to thank her for is for her support to me as I learn about being a mom...soon to be mom of 2. 
I could go on and on but that would take forever.

My Question:
What are your plans for Mother's Day?
I'll be heading to church with my family then off to my Mom's for a BBQ. I plan on a great day with my family. :)



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I am so happy you stopped by today. What is on your mind?

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