To help your guesses along, I have compiled a list of Old Wives' Tales that may (or may not) help you make an educated guess.
- If you check this post, you'll see that a ring on a string spins in a circle rather than going back and forth when held over my wrist.
- Is my leg hair growing back faster or the same as pre-pregnancy? Faster
- Are my nails growing faster and stronger than before pregnancy or the same? Faster and stronger
- Morning sickness or none? Morning sickness (hallelujah for the second trimester)
- Am I craving sweet or sour? Sweet
- Is my butt getting big? (this is a serious old wives' tale, folks) Nope
- Are my feet colder than before pregnancy or the same? The same
- What is the baby's heart rate? In the high 150's
- Am I craving orange juice? (technically, no but I do crave big, juicy oranges so...) Yes
- Am I carrying high or low? I'm carrying higher than I did with Alex.
- Is my tummy shaped like a beach ball or a watermelon? Beach ball
- Does the baby kick to the right more or to the left? Right
- Is my husband gaining weight? Nope
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