If there is one thing I could give any new parent, it would be the gift of knowing just what to do in a tough or scary situation with a little one. There’s nothing like the paralyzing fear that comes over you when something serious is happening with your infant, toddler, or child.
The SafetyMate was made with these type of situations in mind. Simply open it to turn it on, push the proper button for the situation, answer a few “Yes” or “No” questions, and begin following the steps you are instructed to take.
I used this following a day spent outdoors with the family. When my son woke up, a bug bite on his arm was extremely swollen and it concerned me. By answering the questions on the SafetyMate, I was able to rule out any serious allergic reaction and saw it begin to get better after giving him the proper dose of allergy medication.
I found that answering questions and listening to the instructions helped to calm me down and focus on what I needed to do to help him. I wished I had this handy months ago when I had to take Alex to the ER for a large cut on his finger. I probably would have been able to care for it a bit better before leaving for the hospital. Or, I would have learned that I didn’t need to go to the hospital as they weren’t able to do anything but wrap it better and give us instructions for care.
Here’s a little of the story behind the making of the SafetyMate taken from the website.
“Just moments after the birth of his daughter, David Feder was faced with a frightening and potentially life-altering medical emergency. His newborn baby girl, Madeline, only 20 minutes old, suddenly stopped breathing. Although David had taken CPR just a few years prior, he still felt helpless and paralyzed. Fortunately, they were in a hospital with trained professionals and within minutes, a nurse performed the appropriate steps to start the infant’s breathing again. Baby Madeline’s life was saved.
David could not shake this terrifying experience. He asked himself, “What if I had not been in a hospital? Would I have known what to do to try to save my daughter’s life?” It was that instant that David committed himself to developing an infant and toddler safety device to help prepare him, his new family, and others to respond quickly and effectively in a medical emergency.”
Be sure to watch the Demo video of the SafetyMate on the bottom of the website’s homepage to get a better idea of how it works.
Buy It:
Purchase a SafetyMate for yourself or someone you know by calling the Customer Service number on SafetyMate’s website.
SafetyMate wants to give one reader a Talking First Aid Guide of his/her own!
To enter:
- Tell me what you would do with your SafetyMate if you won. Would you keep it? Give it as a gift? **Make sure my event button is on the sidebar of your blog for your entry to count.**(if applicable)
Follow my blog (on sidebar toward the bottom) *make sure you follow before you comment saying you do.
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Follow me on Twitter (@TheMrsC) *comment with your twitter name
Tweet about this on Twitter “I entered to win a SafetyMate at the Baby event on www.coffeewiththemrs.com @TheMrsC” *comment with a link to your tweet (Daily RT’s available)
Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway will run until July 29th at 11:59PM. The winner will be announced and contacted on July 30th and will have 48 hours to claim his/her prize before I select another winner.
**This review was written strictly based on my opinion of the SafetyMate. I was not paid for my opinion and can not guarantee the effectiveness of the SafetyMate in a medical emergency. **
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