I’ll admit it, I’m a big fan of my Nintendo DSL system and the fun, arcade games I have to go with it. Recently, I was invited by Mom Central to try out the new game, “Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits”. I love this game!
I have the first Guitar Hero game for Nintendo DS; Guitar Hero On Tour. While I enjoy the first one, the latest release has new features that I really enjoy.
First, there are 28 new tunes to jam out to on this game. Artists like Coldplay, Weezer, and the Strokes are among the many you can play along with. I love playing the songs and bopping along as I go.
Next, I like that I can make my own choices for what I do next. When a new venue opens up, I don’t have to go right to it if I choose not to. I can choose to stay where I’m at and complete the fan challenges. OR, I can go back and forth between venues and fan challenges.
What are fan challenges? At each venue, you will receive fan challenges for the songs you play. These are fun and can be rather challenging. At the completion of a challenge, you receive a little cash but many more fans than you had before. You don’t have to complete the challenges to move on in the game, however, if you choose not to accept them.
Finally, the last new thing I’d like to share about is you can connect wirelessly with other players who have any of the 3 versions of Guitar Hero On Tour and play songs from all 3 versions in a multiplayer mode. I haven’t tried this as none of my friends have a Nintendo DS and my niece lost hers. It would be fun to try, though.
Run out to the store and grab yours today! The game (including the Guitar Grip) is $49.99.
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