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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kimochis (Review & Giveaway)



If you’re looking for a unique gift item for your little one or the little one on your shopping list, check out the dolls available on the Kimochis website.  There are 4 different characters available; each with a different story and different feelings to teach. In fact, the word Kimochi means “Feeling” in Japanese.

For review, my son was sent the doll Kimochi Cloud. Cloud is very unique as one side of his head shows a smile and the other side  can turn to show a frown. He is 13 inches tall and very squish-able.


kimochi1  The three child-safe feelings that Cloud helps to teach are “Sad”, “Mad”, and “Happy”. With the doll comes a book that helps give parents ideas on how to use the Kimochis or “feelings” that come with the doll to teach children how to better communicate the way they feel.

Alex loves his Kimochi Cloud doll and is already starting to use more words about feelings since he got the doll. He often turns Cloud’s head around over and over and says “Happy and sad”. Then, when we look at the 3 Kimochi pillows that are tucked inside Cloud’s pouch, Alex will name the different faces and I’ll show him the word on the opposite side to help with with word recognition.

Beyond the dolls, you can purchase separate “Mixed Feelings” packs that are made up of 6 different Kimochis to add to your collection.

So how did this idea come about? Here is some information for you from the Kimochis Feel Guide book that came with Kimochi Cloud:

“One mom brought her simple, yet genius, idea to life after the birth of her son. “Why not make toys with feelings inside?” Other moms saw the genius in this and joined in with the hope to create a toy that can actually bring peace to their own households, neighborhoods and playgrounds.”

Alex and I love sharing time with his Kimochi Cloud doll. I hope to be able to get one for my little girl in about two years. So she can have something of her own to share and learn from.

Buy It: Kimochi dolls can be purchased for only $25 on the Kimochi website.


Kimochis would like to give one person a Kimochi doll!

*Winner’s choice of character!*

To enter:

  • Visit the Kimochis website and tell me specifically which Kimochi doll you would choose if you won.
  • For additional entries:
    • Blog about this giveaway with a link back to my post *3 extra entries* (comment with a link to your blog post. Leave 3 separate, numbered comments to make sure you get credit for each entry.)

    • Subscribe to my blog feed (top of right sidebar)

    • Subscribe to my posts in e-mail (top of right sidebar. comment with the e-mail address you subscribe with)

    • Follow this blog (middle of left sidebar)

    • Grab my “Coffee with the Mrs.” button for your sidebar.

    • Follow me on Twitter @themrsc (comment with your twitter name)

    • Tweet about this giveaway with, “Win a Kimochis doll as featured in the holiday gift guide on @themrsc” (comment with a link to your tweet)

      • Once Daily Retweets available for extra entries. (leave a comment with a link to each RT)

Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway will run until October 14th at 11:59pm ET. The winner will be randomly selected, announced, and contacted on October 15th. I will then wait 48 hours for the prize to be claimed before randomly selecting another winner.

**This review is based strictly on my experience with the item(s) and my opinion of that experience. I was not compensated for my review beyond receiving a sample item for review. Please see my disclosure policy at the bottom of my blog page.**



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