Learning Curve brings many wonderful brands like “The First Years”, “Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway”, “Lamaze”, and more. Their products are for kids of all ages and are high in quality.
For this gift guide, Learning Curve offered items to give to a newborn/infant. My daughter will be under 2 months old on Christmas and I was looking for gift ideas for her. I received the Play House Gym from Lamaze and the Kickin’ Coaster from The First Years.
First, I’ll share about the Play House Gym from Lamaze.
This is a play area that will grow with a baby from 0-24 months of age. There are 4 different ways to use this gym to keep it age appropriate for baby.
Stage one is for the infant to enjoy. The baby will be surrounded by bright colors and vibrant patters to help her strengthen her vision. On the rainbow colored arch, there are loops to hang a mirror and toys that rattle, crinkle, and even play music with lights. The bottom of the mat is padded and comfortable for the baby to lay on. Also, the mat’s surface is easy to clean with a quick wipe up should there be drool and/or spit up that gets on the mat.
Stage 2 is the set-up for tummy time. In this stage, both sides and one end velcro together to provide a safe and entertaining place for your child to enjoy tummy time. Again, there are tabs where toys can be hung to entertain the baby and encourage their muscle development.
Stage 3 is the perfect place for baby to sit and play whether you’re indoors or outdoors. The mat lays flat and keeps tabs available for toys to hook to. This is something that I’m sure I’ll be using as I go on play dates and want somewhere clean for the baby to sit and enjoy her time out with friends.
Stage 4 is made by folding up the mat quickly and easily into a play house. This is perfect for a baby who can sit independently up to the baby who can walk around. Since it’s lightweight and has handles on the top, the baby can carry it around and play with it wherever she likes.
Buy It: You can purchase the Lamaze Playhouse Gym for $79.99 in the Learning Curve Shop.
Now, let’s talk about the Kickin’ Coaster from The First Years.
This is the perfect entertainer for babies up to 25 pounds. At the newborn stage, the seat offers a plush and cozy place for the baby to rest. There are also settings on the seat for vibration, twinkling lights, and music to sooth the baby.
As the baby gets bigger, the headrest can be removed and the seat can turn into a play area. There is playful music to listen to, and a mesh pad for the baby to push off of with her feet. The seat will gently glide backward and then back into place again. This offers a wonderful way for the baby to exercise her leg and core muscles while playing.
Since I don’t have a baby to put into the seat yet, click here to see a demo video of how the seat works.
I think my little girl will really enjoy relaxing and playing in this seat.
Buy it: You can buy the Kickin’ Coaster in the Learning Curve shop for $69.99
Learning Curve would like to give a Kickin’ Coaster from The Learning Years to one lucky reader.
To enter:
- Make sure you have the holiday event button on your sidebar (if you have a blog). Then, visit the Learning Curve website and tell me one other item that you would love to add to your holiday shopping list.
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- Blog about this giveaway with a link back to my post *3 extra entries* (comment with a link to your blog post. Leave 3 separate, numbered comments to make sure you get credit for each entry.)
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- Tweet about this giveaway with, “Win a Kickin’ Coaster as featured in the holiday gift guide on www.coffeewiththemrs.com @themrsc” (comment with a link to your tweet)
- Once Daily Retweets available for extra entries. (leave a comment with a link to each RT)
Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway will run until September 28th at 11:59pm ET. The winner will be chosen, announced, and contacted on Sept. 29th. I will wait 48 hours for the winner to claim his/her prize before choosing a new winner.
*This review was written strictly based on my opinion of the product and the sponsor. One may or may not agree with my opinion. Please see the bottom of my blog page for my disclaimer.*
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