Brother is a company that makes all sorts of items to help make your life easier. Their line includes items like printers, fax machines, sewing machines, and labelers.
For this review, I was sent the P-touch PT-1290 which is a labeler from their “Simply Stylish” line. I have to say, I’m thrilled with this labeler and have already put it to good use.
This labeler has wonderful features that allow you to make all sorts of different styles of labels. I made some basic labels for my cube storage and also added symbols to the labels I made for my son’s toys or sippy cups and my daughter’s bottles. I felt they added a cute touch and also allowed me to easily find their label just by looking for the star or the heart.
Here is what I was able to do with my cube storage:
With the storage boxes clearly marked, I don’t have to worry about not knowing which box is holding which item(s). Also, I don’t have to worry about toys ending up in the wrong place. These labels will help me keep my home in order with little work.
Also, the P-touch PT-1290 makes professional style labels. Of course, when I saw these styles, I had to make one for my blog and my file box. Here’s the finished product.
Here are some other features included in the labeler (taken from the website).
This is something I would recommend for any household or office. It’s very easy to use and would make organizing so much easier.
BUY IT: You can buy the P-touch PT-1290 for around $39.99.
Brother has offered a P-touch PT-1290 Labeler to one winner.
To Enter:
- Visit the Brother website and tell me one other specific product that you would purchase for yourself. **If you have a blog, make sure you have my event banner on your sidebar**
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- Tweet about this giveaway with, “Win a Brother P-touch labeler as featured in the gift guide on @themrsc” (comment with a link to your tweet)
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Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway will run until October 26th at 11:59pm ET. The winner will be selected, announced, and contacted on October 27th. I will wait 48 hours for the prize to be claimed before randomly selecting another winner.
**This review is based strictly on my experience with the item and my opinion of that experience. I was not compensated for my review beyond receiving a sample item for review. Please see my disclosure policy at the bottom of my blog page.**
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