It’s not my birthday yet. Technically, my birthday isn’t until Monday. But if you ask me, my birthday was yesterday.
What you don’t know is that the hubster was on the other side of the state yesterday. He had to stay there overnight due to the wonderful, winter weather. Also, you may not know that my toddler woke up with a cold yesterday. Actually, he was up quite a few times in the night crying “I want my mommy.”
So, the hubster is away, the toddler is definitely not feeling well, and I’m exhausted after being alone with my little ones for hours upon hours. Oh yah…and I’m starting to get a migraine.
Early in the afternoon yesterday, my mom called and asked how things were going. I complained about my sick son, my lack of sleep, my migraine and she asked if she could stop by after work to encourage me.
Am I going to turn my mother down? Nope. I really was looking forward to having her here for a bit of a break from the mundane activities.
K…now that I’ve set up my day yesterday, let me back up a bit. I was able to go visit with my parents earlier this week to give my dad his birthday present. Before I left their house, my mom asked if I wanted to come over for her jewelry party on Thursday (yesterday). First I said I couldn’t because of the hubster having to be away for work. Then, I remembered that Alex would be spending that evening at my in-laws so I was happy to say I’d be there with Eliana in tow.
Well, those plans quickly changed when my mother-in-law came down with a very bad chest cold and I pouted as I called my mom to tell her I wouldn’t be able to come over after all.
OK…go back to yesterday with me now. LOL ( I hope your head isn’t spinning yet). My mom called me to let me know she would be over in a few minutes and I said “OK”. Meanwhile, Alex was not being agreeable with his nap and I discovered that it was because he needed a clean diaper.
Half-way through changing Alex’s diaper, I hear my mom knocking on the door. I left Alex on the table and told him I would be right back and ran to the door to let my mom in. When I opened the door, my mom said, “Your dad wants to show you something he picked up for your birthday.”
I was very confused. I was thinking, “My dad? I thought my mom was coming over after work. What does that have to do with my dad…who should also be at work?”
Then, I saw my mom waving her hand at something or someone. I looked out the door and into the hallway and suddenly jumped back about 3 feet when I saw what she was talking about. In the hallway was my dad. My dad AND my big sister!!!
My big sister flew in from out of state to meet my little Eliana and celebrate my birthday with me!!! Can you believe that???
Well, I know I couldn’t believe it. I cried and cried and said “I hate you guys! I have a half-naked toddler on the changing table.” Then I started laughing.
I hope you know I don’t really hate my family. I just didn’t know what to say to such a huge surprise. And MAN was I surprised.
Sure, I was in my lounge clothes. My house was a wreck. I had no makeup on. None of that matters, though. I wouldn’t have changed anything about that moment.
Thankfully, there were no cameras; no Paparazzo waiting to post the ugly/surprised look on my face to their blogs.
P.S. Alex’s diaper did get changed. I didn’t just leave him there. lol
P.P.S. The hubster was gooooooooooooooood at helping this surprise come to life. …scary good. I love him for it, though!!!
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