Happygreenbee is an online store that sells organic cotton clothing for babies and toddlers. The separate pieces are fun to mix and match for wearing and the color choices and bright and vibrant.
Eliana and I were able to try out a long sleeve tee in Radish/Bean. I love the bright colors but I also love the organic, stretchy cotton of the shirt. I know that it’s going to be comfortable for her to wear and gentle on her skin. (Thanks to some of my genes, my children have fair and sensitive skin.)
It’s still a little bit big on her, but I think it’s just adorable. All she needs is a big flower on her head to make the look complete. :)
On the back of the shirt is the happygreenbee label. Eliana was kind enough to model that for me as well.
There are several different items available in the happygreenbee store. One thing that is a “must buy” for the summer months (for me, anyway), is a Reversible Hoodie. I am crazy about this one.
And if you know a green mommy or mommy-to-be, the “Mom’s On the Go Kit” would make the perfect gift. Here’s a photo and the description from the website.
“Multi-tasking Moms on the Go will appreciate generous trial size samples of Happy Green Bee's nursery favorites! Six great products and a read aloud book all neatly packed into our handy re closable tote. Our kit contains a 4 oz. non-toxic, biodegradable eco friendly laundry detergent, a 2 oz. home-made diaper ointment formulated with organically grown comfrey, vitamin E, lavender, and a blend of botanical oils, a 2 oz. sample size of calendula oil made from organically grown calendula flowers and botanical oils, a 4 oz. herbal room spray which uses all natural essential oils, a keepsake tooth fairy tin and everything you need to plant your child’s birthday apple tree!” (Price is $16.00.)
And, to tell you a little more about happygreenbee, I’ll post some information from their website that includes their mission.
Where childhood is a time for high-energy play, creative exploration and wholesome natural goodness. Discover comfy organic cotton, simple stylish designs and cheerful gender-free colors to be mixed and matched in endless combinations for organic kids clothes that are as fun to buy as they are to wear.Organic cotton, to me, is more about what’s best for my children then it is about what’s best for the environment. Being an environmently friendly product is simply what comes of creating products with my children’s best interest in mind.
Our mission
To create cheerful gender-free organic kids clothing with sustainable earth friendly manufacturing practices in an effort to meet and increase the demand for organic children's clothing that not only looks and feels great but is contributing in positive ways to the welfare of our planet.
P.S. Make sure you visit the Factory Store. There are some AMAZING deals in there but not much left!
To enter:
***edited to add*** If you've already begun entering for this giveaway, those comments are safe and sound on the Disqus website. I'll be including those comments in with any further entries. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Visit happygreenbee and tell me one item that you have fallen for.
- For additional entries:
- Blog about this giveaway with links to this giveaway and Happygreenbee *3 extra entries* (comment with a link to your post. leave 3 numbered and separate comments to make sure you get all 3 entries.)
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- Tweet about this giveaway with “Win an organic cotton cardigan from Happygreenbee at coffeewiththemrs.com @TheMrsC” (comment with a link to your tweet)
- Once daily retweets are available for extra entries. Leave a comment with your daily tweet
** Graphics Credit: Happygreenbee logo and stock photos of the Reversible Hoodie and Mom on the Go Kit are the property of Happygreenbee.
**This review is based strictly on my experience with the item and my opinion of that experience. I was not compensated for my review beyond receiving a sample item from Happygreenbee. Please see my disclosure policy at the bottom of my blog page.**
**This review is based strictly on my experience with the item and my opinion of that experience. I was not compensated for my review beyond receiving a sample item from Happygreenbee. Please see my disclosure policy at the bottom of my blog page.**
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