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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Prince Charming

Not only is his sweet face perfect for a Wordless Wednesday, his actions lately have left me speechless.

Yesterday, Alex did the cutest thing and he's continued to do it today. (I'm secretly wishing that this doesn't go out of style too quickly for him.) While I was sitting on the couch watching a show with Alex, he turned to me and asked, "Mommy? May I have this dance?"  Then, he grabbed my hand and walked with me to where he thought his dance floor should be and did his best to dance with me while singing "Do, do, doooo, do do".

(I know, shut-up, right? How cute is this kid?)

It turns out that he saw the story of Cinderella on Super Why and wanted to be the prince. Honestly, I don't care where he learned it. I think having my little boy wanting to whisk me away from lounging on the couch or washing dishes to dance with him is the best thing yet.

*sigh* My little prince...

For more Wordless Wednesday, click it! :)



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