I absolutely love hunting down fun, online shops that sell high quality toys for my little ones. I recently stumbled upon a great place to find wooden toys of all kinds for all ages. Gummy Lump sells top brands so you know your money is well spent.
One of my favorite brands is Mellisa & Doug and I found many items on Gummy Lump and it was competitively priced. (Some of it was even on sale. Bonus!) Since we're trying to help Alex with his fine motor skills, I chose the Lace and Trace Pets set for him to review.
What I love about Mellisa & Doug is that each toy is so bright and colorful while also being extremely durable. I'm positive that these Lace and Trace Pets will be able to take all Alex can give them and still have plenty of play left when Eliana gets big enough to enjoy them as well.
While I was shopping on Gummy Lump, I was also excited to find that they sell a lot of accessories to go with Alex's wooden train set. We're always looking for gifts in that area and the prices I saw are great. Not to mention, if I shop online, that will save me a lot of time spent looking in the store for a certain piece of track.
Of course, I didn't forget to "window shop" for Eliana. There are literally pages and pages of baby toys available at Gummy Lump. My favorite are the dumping and filling toys by Melissa & Doug. I can imagine Eliana really enjoying those when she's able to sit up a bit better.
I would encourage anyone gift shopping to check out Gummy Lump. Their toy selection is for children age newborn to age 5 and above. You're sure to find plenty of different items for the little one(s) you're shopping for. Also, you'll see a tab that says "Special Needs". If you visit that page, you'll see a specific list of toys for each specific need. From autism to blindness, there's plenty of helpful toys to choose from. (Not every toy website has a feature like that.)
BUY IT: You can purchase the Lacing and Tracing Pets set at GummyLump for $9.99. (It's currently on sale for only $7.99!! as of 4-7-10)
Gummy Lump has offered on Lacing and Tracing Pets set for one winner.
To enter:
- Visit Gummy Lump and tell me one other specific toy you would like to get for the little one in your life.
- Blog about this giveaway with links to this giveaway and Gummy Lump.
- Grab my button for your sidebar. (Click "Grab a button" on my sidebar or top menu)
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- Follow me on Twitter @TheMrsC (comment with your twitter name)
- Follow Gummy Lump on facebook and tell them I sent you!
- Tweet about this giveaway. “Win a Melissa & Doug Toy from Gummy Lump in the Spring Event at www.coffeewiththemrs.com!! @TheMrsC @GummyLump” (comment with a link to your tweet)
- Once daily retweets are available for extra entries. Leave a comment with a link to your daily tweet
Please leave a separate comment for each entry. This giveaway will run until April 22nd at 11:59pm ET. The winner will be selected by using random.org and will be contacted and announced on April 23rd. If the prize is not claimed within 48 hours, I will randomly select another winner.
** Thanks to Gummy Lump for the toy to review.**
**This review is based strictly on my experience and opinion. I was not compensated in any way for the review itself or to influence my choice of words. Others may not agree with my opinion.**
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