He is not here, but, is risen,
Remember how He spake unto you, when
He was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of Man
Must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,
And be Crucified, and in the third day rise again.
Luke 24: 6-7
I am so very grateful for Christ's sacrifice. With everything I've been through in my life, I know that I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have my family but most importantly I would not have the joy I have in my life. That's not to say I don't still fall on hard times. It's only to say that I now have a constant support and source of unconditional love that I can turn to.
I made this video for Good Friday but never posted it. I decided to post it today. This is a pretty personal vlog but I want to be real with everyone who reads this blog. I pray you hear my heart as I share just some of my story with you. (It's kind of long. Sorry.)
To watch: Enter the password "Easter".
Good Friday from TheMrs. on Vimeo.
That First Easter
I know a man called Jesus,
Who from His grave arose,
On that first Easter morning
To vindicate our souls.
He bore the cross of Calvary
And shed His blood for you and me.
He paid a debt He didn't owe,
As through His blood forgiveness flowed.
Then, from His crucifixion,
Our eternal life was formed
And, through His resurrection,
That first precious Easter born.
© 2003 by Vickie Lambdin
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