This morning, my Pastor spoke to the church about "leaping". You know, taking a risk and making a move in something you believe with all your heart you're supposed to do even if you don't see the ground you're supposed to land on when you're through leaping.
And just a couple days ago, I was watching someone on TV talk about being "dangerous" and taking steps in mid-air believing that the ground (you can't see) will meet your feet.
So, is this a strange coincidence? No. Not at all.
But can I be candid?
I'm totally wigging out about something I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt I'm supposed to do. Quite honestly, I get butterflies in my stomach and goosebumps all over each time I think about it. That's how I know that I know I'm supposed to be putting this into motion.
If you're a close friend or family member, you may be reading this and thinking, "Oh. I know what she's talking about." To that, I say, "You have no idea."
This is something that's been stirring in me for just a couple of months now. It's something I read about on a blog in my reader. Someone volunteered to be a part of something in her area of California and I was so moved by what I read. I felt the idea was wonderful but I don't exactly live near California to volunteer myself. I even looked up the organization she worked with and they're not local to where I am.
"Why don't I do that here?" I thought. "I know just the place for that."
I talked to the hubster about it and said "As soon as we live in that area, we should..." He thought it was a great idea and so we agreed on it and put the idea on the back burner.
No more of that.
I think this is something I need to begin orchestrating NOW. But what scares me to death is the idea that this is something I feel is bigger than me. On my own, with my limited finances and my own strength, I can't pull this off. Not at all.
And that's OK.
I know that if this is something God wants to happen, it will all come together IF I'M WILLING TO NOT RELY ON MY OWN STRENGTH AND RELY ON HIM COMPLETELY.
It's the very first steps that I'm getting hung up on. Who should I talk to about this? Who can help me get the ball rolling? How much money should I raise for this? Can I find sponsors to donate additional items I will need?
Believe me. As soon as I have this idea out of my head and "in the works" I will be sharing about it here. Who knows, maybe one of you will be able to help me out.
If you're one who prays, will you pray for me? I need wisdom and guidance. I need to find the people who will help me and get the ball rolling. And I need to stop saying "I". Please pray that God will show me which way to go with everything.
For now, I'm going to take a deep breath, close my eyes, and get ready for my
Sunday, May 16, 2010
So, What's The Next Step?
About the Author
Amy Clary
I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos who enjoys writing, shopping, traveling, enjoying time with my family, and a good DIY every now and then. I'm also part owner of a small, reselling business. (Check out ACM Ventures on YouTube to follow along!) I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today. Drop me a comment and we can chat there.
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