I read over this "blurb" about 5 times. Each time I expected that it might say something different the next time. I stared at it and wondered, "why does this matter to me?". I didn't "get" it, but I couldn't look away from it.
As the church started to sing, I began to cry. I wasn't crying over how beautiful the music was. I wasn't even crying because I was happy or sad. I was crying because I felt like that blurb just changed my life a little bit.
What was it?

So, I decided to go to the meeting last night. I almost didn't go because I had been battling a migraine all day long. Once I got there, though, I started feeling better and was ready to listen to the Pastor speak about the Thailand trip.
Did you know that a great percentage of little girls (starting at age 5) are sold into sex slavery there? These little girls ...innocent, sweet, beautiful girls...have to live a life so different from what we're used to here in the USA. And little boys? They're turned into beggars and are even mutilated so they can make more money begging. It makes me so sad to know this and it doesn't sit well with me at all.
The orphanage being visited is not a place where they want to see children adopted. It's a safe house so these children don't have to be sold into slavery. It gives them a chance to learn to speak English and earn a high school diploma so they can be successful in Thailand and, more importantly, help others.
So, here's the deal. I MAY be going on this trip. I've decided to take the next step and see if I can raise $300 in 2 weeks as a deposit that will hold my spot. After that, I have $1,900 to raise in less than 4 months not including money for a passport and personal expenses.
Please know this. My family does not have the money to send me on this trip. We just don't. So, if it's meant to be, it's going to come from those who want to be a part of this trip financially. As I understand it, I should be able to access my blog a bit while I'm there which just makes me so happy. This means, I can share my stories and some pictures while I'm there with those of you who choose to support me.
Can I ask you this? If you can donate any money toward this trip, please comment here with your e-mail address or e-mail me and put "Thailand Trip" in the subject line. I have directions for you so you can be sure to get a receipt for your taxes. Also, I NEED YOUR PRAYERS! Please pray for me and my family as we make a decision together about my part of this trip.
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I am so happy you stopped by today. What is on your mind?