I love listening to instrumental tunes while I'm working or resting. There's just something about it that relaxes me and puts a smile on my face. If you're a fan of them too, you may be interested to know that after over 8 years, Yanni has created a new album of instrumental compositions.
Truth Of Touch is a gorgeous collection of original pieces. This album was sent to me to review about a week ago and I've been listening to it during my "me time" {aka the kiddos' nap time} every day since then. I just love it.
Now, if you've been reading here long enough, you may remember me going on and on about Yanni a while ago. In fact, I even saw him in concert! {Click the link to read about that if you missed it.} I mentioned in that post...almost 2 years ago...how much I loved Nathan Pacheco and Leslie Mills at that concert. They're both extremely talented and sooo nice in person. I was pleasantly surprised to hear both Leslie and Nathan on this album. So surprised, in fact, that I grabbed the CD case and ripped through the insert to see if it was really them. Can you picture the HUGE smile on my face when I heard that?
Don't get me wrong, I loved the entire album without the vocal tracks. These songs were just the icing on the cake. Beautiful vocals sung over genius composition gets me every time. :)
There is a tour going on to celebrate this new release as well. Unfortunately, Yanni isn't stopping anywhere near Detroit so I won't be able to see him in concert this time. You may be able to, though! Check out the dates and locations by visiting Yanni's website. And, if you're in Detroit and want to see Yanni stop here, click the widget!!! {P.S. If Yanni isn't coming to your home town, you can click at the bottom of the tour page and ask him to add your city to the list too!}
I don't want to keep something this good to myself so I'm grateful to One2One Network for letting me give one of YOU a CD!
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