I'll bet when you see the yummy rolls of Smarties candy in the store, you never stop to think about where it all began for that brand. I know I sure didn't give it much thought. All I know is I love candy and the brands I love the best are brands that have been around for a long while.
I've recently been chatting with like-minded, candy loving bloggers about our likes and dislikes in candy land. We even shared our favorites from childhood. In that conversation, I met a lovely lady by the name of Liz and she knew a lot about Smarties. It turns out, she's a 5th generation candy maker who works in her family owned business, Ce De Candy, Inc. where Smarties are made.
Could you imagine a job like that? {I asked her to let me come make candy with her sometime.}
Anyway, I found it interesting that Smarties Candy Company is a family owned and run business and wanted to learn more about them.What I discovered was a true, "American Dream" story that has yet to see an end.

Speaking of Eddie Dee, I found this video of him on the Smarties YouTube page and just had to share it with you. Here, he shares a bit about his company and he couldn't be any more adorable.
There are a few different ways to enjoy Smarties Candy and some of them may even surprise you. I can't say I've tried each of the different flavors and varieties yet but I can say that they all sound so delicious. And since I'm pregnant, I think I've just talked myself into enjoying a roll of Mega Smarties or even Theater Box Smarties. Yum!
Now that you have Smarties on the brain, go pick some up and let me know which is your favorite color in your roll. My favorite is white. Mmmmmmm.
Get social with Smarties on Facebook and Twitter!
**That's right. #IamASmartie!! This project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for #collectivebias. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the item mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.
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