We all reach times in our lives when we can feel it's time to shift into a new gear. That exact feeling is what I've been pondering presently. In more ways than one, I know something new is on the way for me and my family.
In the fall, I'll begin homeschooling my little ones and I'll be spending this summer in preparation for that. This is an obvious gear shift, though. It's something that's been on my radar for a few months now.
I feel the big changes live under 2 different umbrellas...and can mean many different things for my family. The first is our house hunt and the second is the son or daughter who only lives in my heart for now. We continue to search for the home God has for us. It seems that they're selling pretty quickly...so quickly that the most recent one we saw was pending an offer the very day we saw it {probably as we were looking at it. lol}. This house hunt is teaching us how to wait on God's leading so we're thankful for the process. And yes, I did say something about adding another child to the family. This is not a biological child, though. This is the child we will adopt.
My heart feels so heavy for this 4th child. I'm not sure where he or she will fall on our timeline but I know that I'm already in deep thought and prayer for him or her. The possibilities for this addition are many. We could adopt after getting settled into our new home or as late as when the kids are grown and gone...only God knows when. But the thing about this unknown child is the hubster and I have wanted him or her since before we had our own children. Yes, this has been on our hearts for around 6 years now.
The anticipation of all this change is so high for me right now. It's like the last bit of "clicks" up the hill before going over the edge on a roller coaster. I'm excited for the new things coming our way and wonder what it all means.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Ever Evolving, Ever Changing
About the Author
Amy Clary
I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos who enjoys writing, shopping, traveling, enjoying time with my family, and a good DIY every now and then. I'm also part owner of a small, reselling business. (Check out ACM Ventures on YouTube to follow along!) I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today. Drop me a comment and we can chat there.
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