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Monday, September 10, 2012

Beginning Homeschooling And How It's REALLY Going

We were all smiles on day one of home school. We had no idea what we were really in for but were optimistic and excited, nonetheless. 

How did we end up here?

We pay very close attention to our kiddos and the things that work best for them when it comes to schooling. Alex, being the oldest, is the one we've been able to watch the longest and he'd be the one going off to school first. The hubster and I were introduced to a very specific curriculum as we visited schools and we knew that we wanted that for him, and the rest of our family, no matter what. The problem? That curriculum is not very popular and is only offered at one school. 

Now, don't be mistaken. The school is wonderful and we would love for our little ones to attend there. The bigger issue is how much it would cost for us to do that. We don't think we can handle all 3 kiddos in that school at once so we considered our decision carefully. Long story, short, we've decided to teach that same curriculum here at home for now. 

Last Tuesday marked our very first day of school. Then, the hubster left on a business trip for the rest of the week the next day...Our first week of homeschooling, I had no back-up, no second set of hands to help.


The week went very well. Alex learned all the things he was to learn {according to my weekly planner} and we had fun doing it. I'm still learning what it means to teach Alex and Eliana as individuals and they're still learning what their mom is like when she puts on her "teacher" hat. All in all, we love it.

I love it.

I've noticed a difference in myself, too. As the family is drawn in closer than we've ever been, I'm beginning to change in the way I not only feel for my kiddos but also the way I have conversations with them. We may be officially finished with our lesson for the day, but my mind as a teacher doesn't shut down until they go to bed for the night. Every conversation can be one in which we learn something or are enlightened to something. And as I am introduced to a new view of what the world looks like through my children's eyes, I'm remembering what it was to be a child myself.

I'm so excited to be teaching my family. I'm excited for the adventures it will bring our way and the opportunities this time will bring us as we're challenged to grow and learn.

*Truth moment* I met a fellow soccer mom at one of Alex's practices last week. When she asked where he was going to school, I told her I'm homeschooling. After she got it together, {she didn't quite know what the right reaction should be} she asked me, "'s it going?". I told her I had to be honest. "It's exhausting." I answered her. "It's exhausting but I feel like it's worth it."

That's the truth in a nutshell. I'm tired but I love it.



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