A popular seller for American Girl, and most helpful for moms and girls everywhere, was the book The Care & Keeping of YOU. This book gave girls tips on basic care and hygiene while helping to build their self esteem and create conversations between them and their mom/caregiver/guardian on topics like pimples, hair care, and eating healthy. This book is extremely helpful and one I look forward to sharing with my own daughters, but what about when girls get older and they have even more questions?
Girls have all kinds of questions about what's happening, why they feel and look different, and how to handle things when their period starts. This is quite an uncomfortable conversation for some parents to have with their daughters but it's necessary. American Girl has heard requests for this type of book and recently released The Care & Keeping of YOU 2: The Body Book for Older Girls.
I recently read through this book and I was SO very impressed. The book is written very thoroughly, yet easy enough for a young girl to understand. Topics like using deodorant, mood swings, periods, tampons {yes, even tampons}, and more are covered as well as encouraging words about loving the body you're in.

I was talking with my own mom about this book just the other day and telling her that I'm SO GLAD there is a book like this available to help get me through those awkward conversations in the future with my girls. Laughing, I said, "I'll bet you wish this book was out when I was young!". My moms eyes went wide as she answered, "Yes. I do.". {lol}
Here's my idea for using this book. It would be too easy to buy this book and hand it to the young lady in your life. I would rather read through the book with my daughter, answering questions or sharing experiences as they come up. After having shared about each topic together, THEN I would hand her the book for safe keeping...and privacy. I remember wanting my privacy and wanting to handle things on my own, but I also wanted to make sure I knew exactly what was going on first.
Thanks to this book, I don't dread having this sort of conversation with my daughters. In fact, I'm reminded about how I felt with everything that was going on...and giggle about it now. These memories are key, though. They will help me be sensitive to my daughter, showing her sympathy and empathy {and remembering to share my chocolate stash with her when needed}.
BUY IT: You can purchase this book on the American Girl website for $12.99 on or after February 14th! {coming to bookstores in March}
**Thanks to American Girl, for supplying the complimentary book to facilitate this review. I wasn't compensated in any other way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the item being reviewed. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**
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