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Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Sure And Steadfast Anchor

I’m not a sailor. I don't know the first thing about how to operate a ship, or raise a sail, or tie an appropriate knot. Maybe that’s what was so curious to me when I first read Hebrews 6:19 & 20. Those scriptures read:
We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

A sure and steadfast anchor.

I think about life. Just life in general. In one day, there are countless things that happen that I cannot predict. The picture of life is always moving and there is not much I can control. Sometimes that picture can feel like a stormy sea where I'm being violently rocked, feeling sick to my stomach, holding on for dear life, and screaming out the word “HELP!”.

These unpredictable storms can cause great anxiety and drain me emotionally.

But when I turn to the scriptures, I see a promise of a sure and steadfast anchor for my soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.

That curtain is the one that was torn as Jesus died. My anchor is hooked to the arc of the covenant. I’m held sure and steadfast...secured to the very presence of God. God is holding on to that anchor and it’s not.going.anywhere. That presence is my hope, my very breath, my calm in the middle of a storm.

I bought these anchors for my (in)RL meetup. When I picked these up, I knew I wanted to paint the word “Hope” at the base...or the root of this anchor. As I looked at it a little longer, I saw a cross. Yes, because of the cross, I am rooted/bound/held steadfast to Hope. 

But I don't want the image of the anchor to stop there for us today.

The cross is what gave us our hope. And that anchor for our soul is hooked into the very presence of God...but I see 2 hooks on this anchor. Today, see the cross, see the hook wrapped around the arc of the covenant in that inner place, and on the other side, see yourself cradled and held.

God anchors our souls. 

Through the death of Jesus we have an eternal hope and presence with Him. We are commanded to take hold of salvation, or the rope attached to that anchor, but our access to God is not determined by how well we hold on to that rope. When we take hold of the rope, it wraps itself around us and we are tied into that steadfast, immovable, not.going.anywhere. anchor.

I pray you see yourself, on your ship, parked in a harbor today. Whatever Tales of the Sea brought you here, I'm so glad you came. Lets enjoy our sisterhood today, knowing that we share this great anchor of hope in common...and let that hope speak encouragement to you.


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