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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Peete's Coffee Singles: Do You Give A Cup?

**This is a sponsored post.. I was compensated for sharing my thoughts in this post. The views shared are mine. Others may disagree.**

Image and value provided by our partner, Peet's
Do you enjoy single serve coffee at home or work? I have a Keurig in my kitchen and the hubster goes to work and uses one there every day. And I don't know if you're the same way? I'm pretty picky about the K-cups I buy.

A while back, I worked with Peet's Coffee to share with you about their delicious, ground coffee. I ended up brewing it through a special filter on my Keurig. Thankfully, their coffee is much easier to use as it now comes in single serve sizes.

This month, Peet's has been taking votes on their Do You Give A Cup page. The questions were silly but helped decide along the way where they would be handing out free samples of their single serve coffee as they traveled across the nation.

Now there are 5 flavors of Peet's Single Cups to try: Decaf House Blend, Cafe' Domingo, French Roast, House Blend, and Major Dickason's Blend. Personally, I'd buy the House Blend and Cafe' Domingo up!

What kind of coffee do you enjoy?

Keep up with Peet's Coffee on Twitter and Facebook so you can see if they'll be doing something fun in your area!



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