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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday: True

Five Minute Friday

Today, I'm joining with some crazy, brave and inspiring women at the blog of Lisa Jo Baker. Each Friday she gives a prompt and with that prompt, writers write for 5 minutes with no second-guessing. Just writing what comes to them. Then, they share and encourage each other. What a great {and scary} idea. 

I'm joining in and challenging you to do the same! Today's prompt is "True".

Ready? Go!

I feel that God has asked me to step into God-Sized Dreams that I'm scared to death to do. My hands shake as I think of them and my mouth doesn't speak of them as much as it should...because I don't want too many people to know if I fail.

It began with 4 words months ago, "Sing, Write, Reach, Community", and it has taken a shape that I never thought it would. But today, as I'm being asked by people at church when I'll be singing next and "why aren't you up there this week?" - as my mind is focussed on a topic I live in to write about and encourage others in - as I've been inserted into a community I only dreamed I could be a part of {even if it's in so many small ways}, my eyes weep and all of me just wants to get out of His way so that in everything He can be seen.

But this call He's given me in the whispers I hear over the morning devotions by candlelight, they're too big for me. I have to admit that the truth is I cannot do these things. What's true is that I need every bit of His strength to step into His footprints. I need every bit of His guidance and every word He wants to be written... or shared... or sung. What's true is that I'm giving up on the living for me and simply resting in His arms as He carries me to the places He sees for me. "'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit' says the Lord Almighty" {Zechariah 4:6 NIV}.



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