Monday, September 16, 2013
Join Me In An #Incouragers Group!
Earlier this year, I led an #inRL meetup in my home. The women and I sat and watched as the women of (in)courage shared favorite posts and their hearts on community. After that day, I began to pray a prayer that seems almost silly to admit but it turned out to be the beginning of a God-Sized dream for me.
"God? Do you think I could somehow...I there a way I could be a part of that community of women? Could I share space with them?"
Friends, I know there are times that God says "Not this" or "Not yet" but this is a time in my life when He said "Yes" so clearly...and that "Yes" answer is still unfolding in front of me.
He brought me to this place today. This place where I'm co-leading an #incouragers group for homeschooling moms. It's called (in)spired to homeschool if you'd like to be a part of it! {I'd love to see you there and get to know you beyond this blog space.} And? I'll have a post featured on the (in)courage website next month {more about that at a later date}. AND? I'm part of Phase3 for #inMercy where I'll be tweeting up a storm with 4 other women so we can raise money for Mercy House...those women are all on the #incouragers team with me.
Community has hurt me in the past. Women who were supposed to be friends have stabbed me in the back, given cold shoulders, and have held unforgiveness in their heart. That's not how I believe God designed us to be. He wants us to work together, side by side, and put our pride by the wayside. Humanity is a tough thing to overcome but God's grace is sufficient and He's waiting to take our burdens from us. To be honest, I don't always get the community thing right. I allow myself to get offended by people just being who they are. I get selfish and think "What about me?". But I know there's a better way and I try to lean in to God and His will.
Encouragement brought me through some very dark places in my life and now it's my turn to pay it forward and focus on encouraging others. I'm humbled and baffled and excited that God has allowed me to be a part of this.
PS There are many groups for every walk of life. If you're a woman, there's a group for you! Please head over to (in)courage and find one that fits you. Give yourself this season of being encouraged and accepted just as you are. Each leader is waiting with open arms for you.
About the Author
Amy Clary
I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos who enjoys writing, shopping, traveling, enjoying time with my family, and a good DIY every now and then. I'm also part owner of a small, reselling business. (Check out ACM Ventures on YouTube to follow along!) I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today. Drop me a comment and we can chat there.
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