My final chapter of these postings will end with the same mushy-gushy love story it started with...only, it gets better this time.
The hubster and I were engaged in August of 2004. His proposal came as a complete surprise on the same day the Doctors told him he would need to begin chemotherapy treatments for his returned cancer. Earlier that year, he had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. The Doctors, at that point, couldn't be 100% sure that it wouldn't show up somewhere else in his body so they kept a very close eye on him. It returned and showed up on his lung. When he proposed to me, he said that he didn't want to go through the treatments if he couldn't marry me when it was all over.
In this chapter of our life together, the hubster and I were living in an apartment. Many people objected to our choice but I wouldn't have changed anything. Living together through the chemotherapy treatments, gave me a real appreciation for our relationship. I know that living together before marriage isn't a good idea. Thankfully, in our situation, God had a bigger picture in mind.
The hubster finished up with chemotherapy before Christmas of '04 and has been cancer free ever since.
Around our wedding in Sept. of 2005, we decided together that it was time to change some things in our life. First up, we quit smoking. Then, we quit drinking. Finally, we found an amazing church to attend where we weren't judged upon entry.(We've been there ever since.)
This story, by no means, ends with "and they lived perfectly ever after". Sadly, we are stuck in our human forms and will make mistakes from time to time.
In 2007, we were given a miracle. Our son, Alex was born. It's been so great to see the hubster with his son. Although, I am confident that we would not be where we are today without the trials we went through.
There are parts of my story that were left out because they involved other people who probably wouldn't like me sharing their story with you. So, you may never know the WHOLE story. I do hope that I've shared enough of myself to make an impact. I hope when you read this story from beginning to end, you see where I was headed had I not changed direction and decided to follow God.
I hate to get religious. I know that makes people uncomfortable. The truth is, though, I am happy for the good AND the dark places in my past. I have learned so much about myself...and others. Without the "bad," I wouldn't be able to connect with the foster children at camp the way I do. Their stories are terrible, but I know that I can relate with them on a very unique level.
So you see, God really does work all things to the good...if you give Him a chance.
Stay tuned to this blog for updates on my "present" along with possible glimpses to the future.

This is off-topic but I am visiting from Entrecard and I have to tell you - your blog design is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteAmy- Thank you for sharing your story. I was able to read all the chapters and I am so moved by what has happened to you in your life. God has really delivered you and I am thankful for you sharing that in your Blog. You have an amazing story and I am so glad that I found your blog. I look forward to reading many more posts. You rock!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you shared this story, and I got to read it. There is such a larger story behind our lives. It's taken me so many years to finally learn that. (You have learned this at such a young age, and this is so wonderful!)
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day!
Thanks for sharing your story! I am glad to have read this post, and will be reading the rest of them soon!