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Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Thousand Words Thursday

Alex's new favorite thing to do is try to wear everyone's shoes. This day, he chose a pair of my slip-ons.

He cracks me up!

Click here for more ATWT.


  1. How funny, I am sure your shoes are that big but they look like little ski's on him. ;)

  2. That is so funny. When my son was about that age he loved to wear everyone's shoes but his own. I was a single mom living in a cul-de-sac. My babysitter lived a few townhouses over. She called one morning at 4:30 to say my son was outside walking in the circle with my heels on. Thankfully they were low heels and he hurt himself.

  3. I love those types of pics! I have always wondered what they're thinking..."I'm mommy" prancing around so proud! ;)

  4. HAHAHA..well..he wears them well!

  5. awwww, I love when babies do this! He is so proud of himself, such a stud muffin!

  6. Just found your blog from Jen's! It is so cute, love your header. I just had to comment, because I posted the exact same pictures of my son walking around the house in my shoes. It was one of my very first posts! Making me smile:)

  7. Happy ATWT. Love this picture! so sweet!

  8. Did wont be long before his feet will be to big to wear your shoes!!!!!


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