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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~ 2/25

I was going through my pics and found this one of a playdate last year. These geese would have come in the house, had we let them. The kids were excited. I was SCARED out of my mind. Especially when they started hissing. FREAKY!

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  1. My daughter would have run out and tried to hug one! That's so fun!

  2. Oh my gosh! Geese can be so mean! I would have been scared too! Cute pic!

  3. whoa! I hate geese! I've been chased before! yikes. so many kiddos the same age... how fun!

  4. LOL
    Why are geese ruthless? They can be fun, but there's always one or two that are the meanies.

  5. That is cute! Although geese can be mean little boogers!
    The kiddos are precious though!

  6. I know what you mean! There is a duck pond where my inlaws live and the geese there are freakishly territorial and will snap at you!

  7. Hissing geese freak me out!!
    Glad the kids had fun tho!!

  8. Too funny! We take bread to one of the parks and feed the geese, my 9 yr old goes nuts when they start getting too close, my 17 month old isn't scared at all! She just gives it right back to them!

  9. Oh my goodness! How cute with the all lined up there. But stupid mean geese!

  10. That was such a fun day!!! OUr kids were so little:)

  11. I love how all the kids are fascinated with the geese. At least everyone was safe inside!

  12. Geese have BIG attitude problems! I wouldn't have opened the door either!

  13. LOL! Well it looks like they entertained the kids!


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