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Saturday, July 11, 2009

All Things Baby ~ LuvLoo Mini Toy Wrangler (review)


When Alex was a newborn, I often wished I had an extra hand to hold a bottle, pacifier, or toy for me.  That was when I had only one child so I can not even imagine how desperately I’ll need an extra hand when I become a mom of 2 this fall.

For this reason, I was so excited to check out the Mini Toy Wrangler from LuvLoo.

I will be able to attach this to a car seat or stroller easily to hold a toy, bottle, or pacifier for the baby and allow myself to keep my hands free to tend to other things for her or my son. The Velcro cuff makes is so easy to attach and remove without any fuss. I also love the fact that I can wash this as need be. The fabric cover is baby friendly and easier to clean than other cup/bottle holders I’ve tried in the past.

In the pictures above, you' can see the different ways the Mini Toy Wrangler can be used. It’s so handy and versatile. It’s also very affordable at only $9.99 for 2.

While you’re shopping on the website, be sure to check out the Toy Wrangler and onesies/tees available to buy.



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