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Friday, September 18, 2009

The Village Company Review (Giveaway Closed)

If you’re looking for ideas for stocking stuffers, you’ll find plenty at The Village Company. There, you’ll find bath items for all ages to enjoy. There are also spa items to help soothe and comfort the busy mom/grandma/sister/aunt/friend in your life.
We were sent a few things for review to share with you. I’ll begin with the items Alex received for bath time. His items were from the Sesame Street line as pictured below.
The items he received for review were the cherry scented Foam Soap and the Finger Paint Bubble Bath. These are the perfect way to add a little fun to bath time for him. Alex liked to mix things up a bit. He preferred that the Foam Soap float in the water and the Finger Paint Bubble Bath be used for body paint.  In fact, he enjoys the Finger Paint Bubble Bath so much that he asks to use it to paint with outside of the bathtub.
Here is some information on the Sesame Street items we reviewed from the website.
Make Bath time fun with Sesame Street® Foam Soap, which contains a moisturizing lanolin that leaves skin feeling soft and smooth. Spray out shapes with this gently cleansing foam that's so light and airy it floats!
Your child will love to create bathtub drawings with Sesame Street® Finger Paint Bubble Bath. The brightly colored paints are a great way for your child to learn about colors while getting clean with our mild, sudsy formula. Clean up is easy; simply rinse skin and bathtub walls with warm water. Parents and caregivers, use the paint chart on the packaging for guidelines on how to mix all the colors in the rainbow.
Sent just for me were 2 items from the Village Naturals Bath Shoppe. There are many scents to choose from in this line. I was able to check out the English Lavender and White Tea Foaming Milk Bath scents. While I enjoy a nice soak in the bath tub from time to time, I find it’s even better with some sort of aroma therapy, candles, and even soft music. (Since these times are so few and far between, I really like to spoil myself when I get the chance.)  Village Naturals Bath Shoppe items fit in perfectly and smell heavenly.
Sometimes, as you may know, you can find something scented for the bath tub that should smell nice and ends up being overpowering or not the fragrance you expected at all. The scents of the Milk Bath products I was sent were subtle and soft. It was enough to smell but not so much that it gave me a headache.
Here is some information on these items taken from the website.
Village Naturals® Bath Shoppe English Lavender
Foaming Milk Bath is infused with an aromatic blend
of Lavender and Chamomile to calm, relax and restore.
Enriched with Shea Butter and Milk Protein, our rich,
luxurious formula will fill your tub with mountains of
bubbles and leave your skin feeling soft & nourished.

Village Naturals® Bath Shoppe White Tea & Jasmine
Foaming Milk Bath is infused with an aromatic blend
of Jasmine and White Tea.
As I mentioned earlier, there are other items available from The Village Company like therapy items, foot essentials, and body scrubs. For children there are Mr. Bubble products and Rubber Ducky products as well.
These items vary in price and are available at stores like RITE AID and Wal-Mart. To find out which stores near you sell their items, click here to do a search.

The Village Company has offered a generous prize of Any Four Items from their website to one winner!
To enter:

  • Visit The Village Company website and tell me just one specific item you would choose if you were to win. **If you have a blog, please make sure you have my event banner on your sidebar for your entry to count.**

  • For additional entries:

    • Blog about this giveaway with a link back to my post *3 extra entries* (comment with a link to your blog post. Leave 3 separate, numbered comments to make sure you get credit for each entry.)

    • Subscribe to my blog feed (top of right sidebar)

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    • Grab my “Coffee with the Mrs.” button for your sidebar.

    • Follow me on Twitter @themrsc (comment with your twitter name)

    • Tweet about this giveaway with, “Win bath and body items as featured in the holiday gift guide on @themrsc” (comment with a link to your tweet)

      • Once Daily Retweets available for extra entries. (leave a comment with a link to each RT)

Please leave separate comments for each entry. This giveaway will run until October 9th at 11:59pm ET. The winner will be randomly selected, announced, and contacted on October 9th. I will then wait 48 hours for the prize to be claimed before randomly selecting another winner.
**This review is based strictly on my experience with the item(s) and my opinion of that experience. I was not compensated for my review beyond receiving a sample item for review. Please see my disclosure policy at the bottom of my blog page.**


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