Like past summers, I'm volunteering at the Champions For Life Kids Camp with Vision Hope. I love this camp and all it does for the foster children of my area. More than the camp, though, I love the kids. I love them so much I think about them nonstop when I'm not at camp. Truly, my heart is sold out to this camp and all the children who pass through.
This year is a little different for me. Every year I've gone, I've been a "Camper Buddy" {a counselor}. I've been assigned one or two girls to spend the week with and make sure their memories of camp are wonderful. I never thought I'd take a side-step from that role. Ever. I just love getting to know one of the children personally and really speaking into her life.
Can I tell you how BIG this is? No, I don't mean that this is big as in "check me out". I mean this is big as in "I'm willing but I'm totally going to be relying on your help, God". My job is to capture memories for each and every child at camp. {Yes, I'll have help.} About 70 children doing many activities daily and many of them for the very first time. God knows I love to take photos and He knows I love the kids at camp. I guess that's why He knew I wouldn't say "No" when He asked.
Admittedly, it's going to be hard to watch the Camper Buddies with their campers and know that I'm missing that one-on-one time with someone. But the true gift? I get a chance to encounter every single child who is attending camp. Wow. I will see how each of them arrive and will see how each of them leave a little changed. That's amazing stuff.
Now, I'm very excited for this opportunity to stretch my wings a bit and do something new but can I ask a favor of you? Would you please pray that God would help my hands and heart prepare for this? I have a lot of organizing to do and a lot of faith to practice. I'm also in need of a few extra things to add to my equipment but I know God can and will provide that. I could really use a new lens with a little more "zoom" than I have, a nice flash that doesn't pop-up, and a few smaller things. God is so able to provide these but I still covet your prayers for my peace of mind.
Thanks! I'll try and keep you posted as I get closer to "go time". I'm SOOO SOOO excited!!!!!
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