That's life, I guess.
Grow, change, adjust.
We're still trying to get to the bottom of Alex's tummy problems but we seem to be on a good track. For now, we're keeping him on a lactose-free diet. Can I just tell you...this is a BIG adjustment. I'm so grateful for those with a little more know-how than I have to help guide me in the way of things that are OK to eat and things that aren't. Hopefully, we can find an easier way to keep him comfortable but if this is what is needed, I'll find the best way to keep everyone happy and move on.
Stay posted! I'll be sharing a fall themed review event starting in the next week or so.
I'll also be taking the holiday weekend to enjoy my family a bit. I hope you'll do the same. :)
I'm honored to be a guest blogger for PlaySkool! You can see my post here and leave your thoughts or ideas in the comment box.
That's all for now! Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.
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I am so happy you stopped by today. What is on your mind?