The day the book God Gave Us So Much arrived at our home, my son knew just what he wanted to read before bedtime that night. When his bedtime arrived, he hopped right up on the couch with his book and thought carefully as he decided on which story he wanted to hear that night.
The beauty of this book is that it has three different stories in it: God Gave Us Love, God Gave Us Heaven, andGod Gave Us The World. Each story delicately handles different topics and explains them in a child-friendly way.
In God Gave Us Love, my son learned about what true love is and how important it is to show others the love that God shows us. He had questions about his little sister after this story and we explained to him how difficult it really is to love others sometimes but how God expects us to live a life of love, even when we don't feel like it.
God Gave Us Heaven covers the topic of our "home away from home"; Heaven. It gently helped my son learn what happens when people die and sparked a beautiful conversation between us on the topic.
Finally, God Gave Us The World talks about Creation and how many different kinds of homes and people there are in the world. It shows little ones how creative God is and how much His creation pleases Him.
Overall, I highly recommend this book for the family. It's a great thing to have handy at bedtime and constantly brings up different, enlightening conversations between my son and I or my husband. I love the learning we have gained from it.
BUY IT: You can purchase this book from Amazon for around $17 new.
**Thanks to the company or pr agency, who supplied the item to facilitate this review. I wasn't compensated in any way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the item mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
God Gave Us So Much {Book Review}
About the Author
Amy Clary
I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos who enjoys writing, shopping, traveling, enjoying time with my family, and a good DIY every now and then. I'm also part owner of a small, reselling business. (Check out ACM Ventures on YouTube to follow along!) I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today. Drop me a comment and we can chat there.
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