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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Gift Guide ~ VeggieTales The Little Drummer Boy DVD

Have you seen the button on my sidebar? You know, the one that says "VeggieTales Official Mommy Blogger"? That means that I am A HUGE FAN of all things Big Idea. Their products enrich my family and teach my children important lessons in a way that speaks right to them at their level.

This season, VeggieTales has released the movie The Little Drummer Boy. My family has watched this again and again since we've received it and I'm happy to add it to the movies we watch together during the Christmas season.

Here's the synopsis from the press release.

In this Veggie-version of a holiday classic, Junior Asparagus stars as The Little Drummer Boy, a lonely child who fins the true meaning of Christmas when he stumbles upon the birth of the baby Jesus. A story of hope, love, and forgiveness, this timeless tale will warm the hearts of children everywhere! 

We all love this movie and I enjoy hearing my little ones laugh just as hard at the funny parts as they did the time before. These movies are so well made and really know how to hold a child's attention while making us big people laugh as well. 

BUY IT: You can purchase this movie in a number of different retail stores for $14.99

**Thanks to the company or pr agency, who supplied the items to facilitate this review and giveaway. I wasn't compensated in any way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the item mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**



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