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Friday, May 4, 2012

Walk A Mile In My Shoes Walk-A-Thon 2012 {We Need Your Help}

As some of you may recall, Alex and I did a walk-a-thon last year to raise money for Grace Centers of Hope and the daycare center they offer to help hopeless families get back on their feet. If the children can be taken care of in a safe environment and at no cost to the parents, then mom and/or dad can find good work and begin saving money toward a home of their own.

The mission of this walk is a very big deal to Alex. He has a hard time comprehending how it is that some children have no home, no bed, and no toys of their own. This really sunk in after our walk last year to the point of tears for him. He really wants to help and I'm so moved by his big heart. 

Last year's walk was very successful and we raised almost $300 between the two of us when our goal was $200. This year, our goal is to raise $300. 

We'll be walking at the Detroit Zoo on June 2nd {rain or shine}!!

Please watch the attached video so you can hear Alex talk about it. :)

And if you'd like to make a donation, please visit this page

You should see our team name "Too Fast Tennies" and see a picture of Alex and I. Scroll to the bottom to click on either his name or mine and make a donation by following the prompts. 

Also, if you know someone who would like to donate, please share this information with them.

We're excited!
Thanks for your prayers and support. 



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