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Saturday, October 20, 2012

To My Three Year Old Princess

Oh, my sweet girl, where has the time gone? Today you've turned three years old and I just can't believe it.

Eliana, you are such a blessing and you bring so much joy to my life. There is always a sparkle in your eyes  and a warmth in your smile that never goes unnoticed, even by a stranger. You make your mom and dad so very, very proud. You're quick to share, quick to forgive, quick to take care of others, and quick to cheer people up with your silly ways.

Happy birthday, my beautiful 3 year old. I love you with my whole heart and can't wait to see another glimpse of who you'll be when you grow up emerge over the next year.

**You can click back to this post to see my very special music video made after she was born, my little answer to prayer.



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