Two things I love to buy as often as I can are shoes and handbags. And when it comes to Spring/Summer footwear, I like styles that are quick and easy to get on and off while being cute enough to go with my favorite outfits. But what if there was more to it than finding a cute pair of shoes to match my favorite maxi dress?
BOBS Shoes by SKECHERS create and sell shoes in the spirit of giving. In fact, they've given over 3 Million pairs of shoes to children in the US as well as over 25 other countries around the world.
I was sent the new BOBS Doily shoes for review and can't wait to show them to you.
Aren't they great? Inside the shoe box, I found a card telling me all about what BOBS does along with a bracelet that shows my support for them.
These crochet top shoes come in 4 different colors. Buyers can choose Turquoise, Hot Pink, Black, or Natural. Obviously, I chose natural as I'm hoping to wear them with everything I can think of once the warmer weather is here to stay.
The insole of the shoe is made of suede leather and is very comfortable against bare feet. Another thing I like about the insole is the pillow support inside. Too often I find cute shoes that hurt my feet like crazy and I choose to wear them anyway. This time around, I know I have support built into my shoes and I don't have to worry about my feet and back hurting at the end of the day.
What color would you choose? Would you choose a different style altogether? BOBS by Skechers offers many different styles at different price points. I'm also a big fan of the Support style {plaid} as well as the Heart Bob in black.
BUY IT: You can buy your own BOBS Doily shoes for $42.00! {And remember, when you do, a pair will be given to someone who really needs them}
** Thanks to the PR firm or brand for the items to review. This review is based strictly on my experience and opinion. I was not compensated for the review itself or to influence my choice of words. Others may not agree or may have a different experience.**
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