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Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Week Of Volunteering! #CFL #Visionhope

This week I'll be volunteering again for Champions For Life Kids Camp, a summer camp for the abused, abandoned, and neglected in my surrounding counties.

These weeks are never "easy" but they're rewarding and so very necessary. These children know more than any child should know. They have experienced unimaginable hardship. They have learned how people fail and let others down in very big and heartbreaking ways.

This week I'll be focussed on encouraging one little girl in particular and in a cabin with others around the same age. What would you say to her? What could you tell her that would cause a shift in her heart for the better? How would you encourage her to aim for the stars as she grows?

Please pray for me as I have volunteered to answer these questions. It's a humbling position to be in but I know the importance of being someone of positive, Godly influence. In my own abuse, I can look back and name people who influenced me, unaware of what I was experiencing.

I'll be offline for the week but will return with stories. Also, I've scheduled my facebook page to update you as to what I'll be up to each day and give you things to pray for. Please watch for those updates on facebook or twitter.

In His Care,



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