** Thanks to the PR firm or brand for the items to review and giveaway. This review is based strictly on my experience and opinion. There was no compensation for the review itself or to influence my choice of words. Others may not agree or may have a different experience.**
I've already shared with you about the Girl Of The Year, Saige Copeland, who was introduced in January of this year. We've loved having her in our collection and Eliana still goes crazy over all her accessories in the catalogs that come to our house.
American Girl made a movie of the book, Saige Paints The Sky, and we were able to check out a promo copy of it.
Alex, Eliana, and I gathered around to watch the movie together and we really enjoyed it. I liked that I didn't have to worry about content, from scripts to songs, as it was all family friendly {in my opinion}. As for the story, the kiddos were really into it. They were invested in the characters and were really pulling for them the whole time. The sweetest moments were when they were wanting to make sure Saige's Grandma was OK after she gets hurt early on in the movie.
The 3 of us give this movie 3 thumbs up. It's a wonderful story of friendships, using your gifts together for a greater purpose, and encouraging those you love.
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