Today, I'm joining with some crazy, brave and inspiring women at the blog of Lisa Jo Baker. Each Friday she gives a prompt and with that prompt, writers write for 5 minutes with no second-guessing. Just writing what comes to them. Then, they share and encourage each other. What a great {and scary} idea.
I'm joining in and challenging you to do the same! Today's prompt is "Worship".
{Pssst...this week's link-up is found at (in)courage.
{Pssst...this week's link-up is found at (in)courage.
This is my song of worship
Dragging tired feet out of bed, running my hand gently through the hair of my daughter as she smiles and asks me for breakfast. I grab my glasses and bathrobe, take her hand, and head downstairs.
This is my song of worship
Vacuuming floors that never stay clean very long. I pray as I go. I pray these floors would be worn with welcome and friends and community.
This is my song of worship
Speaking truth in love to friends who need my words. And it's not because it's ME they need. No, they need Jesus in me. They need my to them so they can see real, and raw, and no facades here.
This is my song of worship as I answer Him "Yes" again and again and then opening my eyes to now see myself "surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses"... and I can call them my friends. And it's not because of where He's placed me that I cry. It's because I see middle school...high school...20 something...rejected and hurt and asking "why". I cry now in worship for the beauty I see rising from ashes.
No, not because of me. Because He lives in me.
This is my song of worship.
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