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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Shop Schoola Stitch & Give Back {review}

**Thanks to the PR firm, who supplied the items to facilitate this review. I wasn't compensated in any way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the items mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**

It's probably no secret to you by now, I LOVE to shop. I just love it. I'm one of those people who can spend hours and hours going through clearance racks in a department store or messy racks in a thrift store. I think this is what first drew me to shopping on the Schoola Stitch website.

They offered me credits to shop with so I hopped over to see if I could clothe all three of my kiddos for less than $50. And friend? I was successful!

Now, when I began shopping, I figured I would just go in order from my oldest to my youngest and fill up my cart with goodies that I found. I had the fall seasons in mind and know the brands I prefer. With the website's setup, I found that I could shop for boys clothes, size 6, the brand I preferred, and even the type of clothing I wanted. I started with finding a top and then pants. I placed items in my cart and then looked again without specifying a brand name to see if there was anything I liked better.

This is how I shopped for all three of my kiddos and for less than $50, I ended up with all of this. {Side note: in the description of each piece of clothing, you'll see the condition of the piece you're viewing. All of mine were "gently used"}

Yes, Eliana got a Beautees top {her favorite brand} with matching leggings. For Mikayla I found a Baby Gap top, IT jeans, and a beautiful knit sweater. And for Alex I found a {very cool} Gymboree long sleeved tee with jersey knit lined pants from Gap. All the items came clean and tagged. {Yes, they smelled good too!}

And you can see, it all comes neatly packaged. The folks at Schoola Stitch put good care and attention into what they do and I really appreciate that.

And this is the card that came in the box for me. See, Schoola Stitch is all about giving back to schools. They collect used clothing from schools, list it to sell, and a portion of that sale goes back to the school. It's a very easy fundraiser. I noticed when I was scrolling through items placed in my shopping cart, that the website recommends other items from the same school automatically. So if there was a specific school you were looking to support with your shopping, you can easily do that.

You can also donate clothing to help your own school! The bag and directions came right with my shipment. 

One more thing? You can also put together this cute bus, take a picture of it somewhere, and share it for a chance to have money sent to your school in your name. And? You can share the website on the top of the bus with friends to get them their own deal on shopping {i.e. free shipping, free credits, etc.}. 

I'm very happy with the condition of the clothes I purchased and feel that their description online matches what I saw after it arrived. This is a way to shop that I can recommend! {Have fun shopping and giving back!}

{PS: If you spend $50, you'll get free shipping! YAY!}



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