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Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Mommy Must-Have: Discipleship & Discipline e-Course {review}

**Thanks to Sarah Mae, who supplied the download to facilitate this review. I wasn't compensated in any way. In this post I share my thoughts and opinions of the e-Course mentioned. Others may have a different experience or opinion.**


I have such a young family. I've somewhat successfully made it through just over 6 years of parenting and by "successfully", I mean "At the very least, my kiddos are fed 3 meals a day and always have on clean clothes". {It's the small things, right?} But in my six years as Mom, I've learned that I have so much to learn.

I don't know about you, but there are times I have questions. There are times I have concerns about the 3, very different personalities I'm raising. There are times I wonder if I'm doing this parenting thing right and if I'm really the only person in the world who gets overwhelmed with how difficult it is to be a mom.

Sarah Mae graciously gave me an opportunity to take the Discipleship and Discipline course she put together with Sally Clarkson and I am so grateful she did. There are some things that come along in life that are absolutely invaluable, and this is one of those for me.

During the course, I heard that Sarah Mae is a lot like me. She's in a similar stage and understands my day-to-day struggles in real time. And then there's Sally. Sally's children are all grown now and she is just a wealth of knowledge to draw from to see the bigger picture.

Overall, the course covers information in the area of:
- Laying a Foundation of Love
- Parenting a Wild One
- Heartfelt Discipline
- Mothering In Freedom

The segment titles sound lovely, don't they? But let me tell you something about these studies. These studies spoke to different parts of who I am as a mom and even as an individual apart from the mom hat I wear. They spoke right to my heart and even had me in tears at times as I came to realize that I'm not the only one who has felt the way I've felt or has parented the way I parent....or has believed the same lie I have. Through this study, I've been given tools and access to wisdom as I work to become the mom I've been created to be.

This e-Course is a gift you can give to yourself or something you can do in a small group to help each other and encourage each other. It's 4 days of information but there's so much there and even books included to take the studies further. If you're a mom who wants to be all God means you to be, whether your children are small or teens, I recommend you order this ecourse and get ready to be changed for the better.

One topic from the long list of things that have stuck with me through this e-Course is pursuing the hearts of my children. I'm trying to live intentionally in pursuit of their little hearts in the same way that God pursues mine to love Him. Maybe someday I'll share more about that with you and what that looks like in my home. 



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