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Monday, March 28, 2016

Proverbs 31, What? And How A Blogger Saved My Sanity

4 weeks ago I moved into a new home. This move came almost suddenly - I felt like I was just beginning to really get settled into the groove of our historical home that we lived in only about 3 years total. And I'll tell you something true, I worked a little bit too hard my first week here...those boxes were screaming at me to unpack them and nest away in the new rooms here.  But before we moved in all of our stuff? This house was completely spotless.

I was on a mission.

Maintain the clean.

And with thousands {it seemed} of looming boxes to unpack, I felt way behind.

I hustled my little booty off and got things unpacked and then whipped out this Cleaning Calendar I had printed out years ago but didn't have enough discipline to use at the time. Friends? I don't know the blogger who made this chart personally, but it is saving me.

In my 2nd week of using the chart, I started to feel grumbly.


Let me just be honest with y'all.

I was downright crabby and my brain decided to remind me of the Proverbs 31 wife as I mopped my floor. And you could say that it wasn't really my brain, per say, but it was the Holy Spirit. I believe that. I believe that because that one reference caused so much turmoil in my heart and mind.

My first conclusion was "Proverbs 31 sucks".  And again. I hate to sound nasty, but y'all, my attitude was way, way off and everything in me wanted to reject this housewifery.
I wasn't raised in a Type A environment where everything had to be just so. I had a few chores I was responsible for as a child but my house as a whole was not likely to be found in a magazine for interior perfection. My bedroom was carpeted with almost every piece of clothing I owned and a basket sat in the corner with clean things I needed to put away.  My point is, I'm not naturally prone to care about chores or keeping a super tidy home.

That is until recently.  I really care about this house because I care about how I came to live here and why. So instead of being crabby and wondering why in the world the woman in Proverbs 31 sounded like she was happy about ALL she was doing, I'm content to be cleaning my home & keeping up with daily tasks with a smile on my face.

And what is this Cleaning Calendar I'm using? You can find it over at Little Green Notebook along with an explanation on how it's supposed to be used. I'm telling you, I'm a better mama for having this to help me and my family is better off for having a cozy, clean home to enjoy. It makes my heart dance a little jig.

Quick tip: I laminated my chart and keep it on my refrigerator. Then I use a dry erase marker to put a dot next to the jobs I've completed. This especially helps with the "swing week" chores and also keeps the chart from getting ripped or ruined.


PS: I'll be posting more cleaning tips and tricks I've learned and sharing things I love with you all as we head into Spring Cleaning season!


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