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Monday, April 6, 2009

LeapFrog Review

We love LeapFrog products in our home. I feel good about something that encourages my son's development while it fosters his love for learning.

We were able to review a LeapFrog Tag Reader in our home. They also sent the books The World Of Cars: Tractor Tipping and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for Alex to enjoy. The first few times we played with the Tag Reader, Alex just wanted to hear the stories being read to him. I showed him how to hold the Tag Reader himself, and now he loves to "tag" everything in the book.

I'm so happy to see him enjoy the Tag Reader this way. It really makes me happy to see him able to explore words and sounds with the Tag Reader. He also enjoys that it offers him some independence with his reading. At just the age of 2, I can't think of anything I would rather have him do than spend time reading and learning.

Tonight, at 6pm ET, I'll be doing a live giveaway for a Leapster2 game system and 2 games. Your first entry will be here on THIS post.

Find a game at LeapFrog that you would like for your game system and tell me the name of it.



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