Friday, June 13, 2008
And the Toddler Rejoiced
While Alex was napping yesterday, I heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door, I saw a package had been left for me. I knew exactly what it was and I was so excited. Our Zoobie friend had finally arrived.
I posted about the drawing I won for this little guy. You can read that here.
I opened the box, unpacked little Mashaka, and sat him on the couch to wait for Alex's nap to end.
Finally, Alex woke up. I went in his room to get him and change his diaper. Since the formalities were out of the way, Alex and I could move to the living room for a snack and play-time.
Not even a second after we walked by the couch, Alex saw his new Zoobie Pet. He was ecstatic and couldn't wait to give hugs and kisses while he giggled. The picture above is of his initial reaction to Mashaka. Hello?? That is SO cute!
Alex carried his new friend around and dragged him by the tail. I think he's found a new best friend.
Sorry, Elmo.
About the Author
Amy Clary
I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos who enjoys writing, shopping, traveling, enjoying time with my family, and a good DIY every now and then. I'm also part owner of a small, reselling business. (Check out ACM Ventures on YouTube to follow along!) I am so glad you stopped by for a visit today. Drop me a comment and we can chat there.
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