I whipped these up for an essential oil class I gave the other night and offered them as gifts. And, y'all? This sugar scrub is easy to make while it also smells like summer!
Let me just pause right here and tell you that if you've never used a sugar scrub before, you're missing out. This is a wonderful and natural way to exfoliate skin and make it soft. {Again, the summer months are upon us making this the perfect time for this!}
What you'll need: {aka what I used for this}
- 4oz canning jar{s}
- Grape seed oil {Or olive oil if you prefer}
- Organic Cane Sugar
- Lime essential oil - or whatever scent you like
- I ONLY recommend using Young Living essential oils
How to Make Your Sugar Scrub:
- Fill your canning jar with cane sugar. I used the ribs on the top as a guide for a "stop here" line.
- Drop in your essential oil. I did about 15 to 20 drops per jar to give it a light and enjoyable scent. Feel free to do more or less.
- Add in one to two Tablespoons of grape seed oil. {This part is fully dependent on how dry or wet you want your scrub to be. I wanted mine to scoop out easily without making a mess.}
- Stir. {I used a butterknife and stirred slowly so I didn't spill sugar all over the place} :)
- Wah-Lah! Your sugar scrub is ready to use or gift!
** To add a cute touch, I used chalkboard stickers with a chalk marker. {Both can be found at a craft store near you!}
**Marketing disclaimer: The link I share may be an affiliate link. I may collect payment from purchases made.
**Disclaimer: The info I shared is based on my own research and experience(s) with Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. The FDA has not evaluated my statements, the products I've mentioned, or even the technique I use. Therefore, these statements are not made with intent to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any kind of ailment or disease. Please have a conversation with your doctor before introducing these if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, and/or have any kind of medical condition.
I'm simply sharing information and my personal story for readers to use as a reference in a "take it or leave it" fashion. My hope is to motivate you in learning more about essential oils as they may pertain to your own life and/or family. Please do your research as you see fit.
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